This event was notable for its ability to bring back professional purity in a tournament that is now a popular lottery for online amateurs. Many have taken an interest and continue playing this obscure but classic form of poker. HORSE stands for Mixed Games.What is H.O.R.S.E? H.O.R.S.E. stands for: the acronym stands for: Limit Hold’em …

H.O.R.S.E. Poker Strategy Doesn’t Have to Be DifficultRead More »

The Three Bet When you play poker, you’ll hear “3-bet” or “three-bet.” Placing the third bet, or technically the second “raise,” during a round of poker is called a “3-bet”. The term is only prevalent recently, indicating its popularity during online play. Technically, the preflop 3-bet for flop games such as Omaha and hold’em differs …


A gambling game’s outcome is hard to anticipate. Furthermore, many of the proposed strategies for winning are nothing more than urban legends. When these factors are considered together, no winning approach may be applied to slot machines. Fortunately, this is only partially correct. There’s no secret to “hitting” a slot machine. Casinos and game developers …

Simple and effective slot machine tacticsRead More »