This event was notable for its ability to bring back professional purity in a tournament that is now a popular lottery for online amateurs. Many have taken an interest and continue playing this obscure but classic form of poker. HORSE stands for Mixed Games.
What is H.O.R.S.E?
H.O.R.S.E. stands for: the acronym stands for:
Limit Hold’em (H)
Omaha H/L (O)
Razz (R)
7 Card Stud (S)
Stud 8/b (E).
HORSE is a challenging game for many people, even though the most wealthy professionals play mixed-limit games in some of the giant cash games in the entire world.
Why is HORSE poker so challenging to play?
HORSE poker can be played as a limited game. Most of us are comfortable with no-limit tournament play. This means you can’t protect as much against draws and extract as many chips in tournament play as you could have done in no-limit.
Many people must become more familiar with Stud Eights, Better, Razz, and Stud Eights. You’ll be disadvantaged if you are solid and knowledgeable in certain games.
Every round, you are forced to change between games. You could play a different table game than the rest of your friends if you don’t pay attention, especially with Stud games.
There are always draws in HORSE games. This can work in your favor or against you.
HORSE is a very addictive form of poker. Although I am from the same area of poker as many others (playing no-limit Hold’em), HORSE has been a fun and addictive form of poker. I have played several mixed-game tournaments in which I learned how to play it.
PokerStars offers HORSE in both cash and tournament formats. HORSE tournaments can also be played.
Although I don’t feel like an expert in mixed games, I am gaining the ability to pick up the game’s flow, and I see improvement in my tournament results. For those interested in picking the game, I would like to offer some HORSE tournament strategy tips.

They were playing different HORSE poker games.
Limit Hold’em (H)
Many players are regulars at a limit hold’em cash game, but many prefer no-limit cash games and tournaments. Limit is more popular than draws; pots are more minor, and bluffing is less critical.
It is worth the risk if you are curious if you have the best hands on the river in limit. You will often get 10:1 odds of winning a bet.
Slowplaying in limit holds them is not a good idea, especially against multiple opponents. There are few chances to make a large pot, and you don’t want to give away a card.
Low Split (O)
Omaha H/L can be played the same as Hold’em, but each player gets 4 cards. You must play 2 of these. You can have both the best high and low hand, but it is possible to split them. Different cards can be used for both the high and low.
Your hand must contain 5 cards less than 8 to qualify for a low hand. A,2,3,4,5 is the best possible soft hand. It is easy to play too many Omaha hands, but in Omaha High/Low, you should limit your starting hands to those hands capable of winning both the High and the Low.
Starters with A, A.2,3, or A.K.2,3, both with suited Aces, are great. This way, you can make the hand strong enough to make the nut flush, a strong full-house, and the nut low. Pairs count against a low-hand hand, so you must have 5 cards less than 8.
Razz (R)
This 7-Card Stud can only be used for the low. Razz is a game where the best hand is A,2,3,4,5. This must be challenging. If they take care, even solid mixed-game players could retain a lot of chips. Razz is known as “The Hated Games” among pros.
A starting hand should contain at least 8 unpaired cards. You need to have 5 low cards to qualify. If you draw cards such as Queens, Kings, or Jacks, you should be able to release your hand.
Many players need to learn the rules of this game. Be on the lookout for a clueless opponent with 3 Queens or an Ace. This situation could be your best chance to win with a 9- or 10-high hand.
7 Card Stud (S)
This is the classic high card Stud game. You can play this game using the same drawing odds as Hold’em. Even a pair with unimproved Aces is unlikely to win the pot.
Stud’s average winning hand is 2 pairs. Keep an eye on your opponent’s betting patterns and the exposed cards.
7 Card Stud Eights and Better (E).
This is another name for Seven Card Stud H/L. This is the third HORSE game in which you must be attentive to the low. The low hand must have 5 cards or fewer, just like in Omaha H/L or Razz.
The pot is split by the soft hand and the high hand. It is possible to win the whole jackpot with one player. The best starting hands for 7 Stud 8/b are A,2,3 and A, A.2. Straight flushes are the best hand possible: A,2,3,4,5. A wheel straight is a more realistic and often unbeatable hand.
Final HORSE poker tips
HORSE tournaments require that you pay attention to changes in the game and adjust your play accordingly. Turbo poker is the most popular type of HORSE poker event. The stakes will increase every few hands or minutes to speed up the game.
If you are weak in a particular game, you can learn the rules and see how your hands perform consistently.
Although it can be difficult at first, HORSE poker allows you to improve your ability to play the mixed game, take a break from Hold’em and find another type that is strong enough to play cash games.